Hi all. I have decided that my dog, Daisy, is a unique beast and it would probably be entertaining to watch FPV videos of her absolutely pummeling tennis balls. We have like 30 in the yard. I ha...
I had an interesting couple of days trying to add code markdown to Trix. If I'm going to be blogging and showing code, I want it to look nice, right? I had done some searching and found a very h...
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'; export default class extends Controller { static targets = ['source']; connect() { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', this.applyFormattingToPreBlocks() ); } applyFormattingToPreBlocks = () => { const trixElements = document.querySelectorAll('.trix-content'); trixElements.forEach((trixElement) => { const preElements = trixElement.querySelectorAll('pre'); preElements.forEach((preElement) => { if (preElement.length !== 0) { const regex = /(?!lang\-\\w\*)lang-\w*\W*/gm; const codeElement = document.createElement('code'); if (preElement.childNodes.length > 1) { console.error( '<pre> element contained nested inline elements (probably styling) and could not be processed. Please remove them and try again.' ); } let preElementTextNode = preElement.removeChild( preElement.firstChild ); let language = preElementTextNode.textContent.match(regex); if (language) { language = language[0].toString().trim(); preElementTextNode.textContent = preElementTextNode.textContent.replace(language, ''); codeElement.classList.add(language, 'line-numbers'); } codeElement.append(preElementTextNode); preElement.append(codeElement); } }); }); }; } lang-javascript
import TrixMarkController from './trix_mark_controller.js'; application.register('trix-mark', TrixMarkController); lang-javascript
<div data-controller="trix-mark"> <div data-trix-mark-target="source"> lang-html
<meta name="turbo-visit-control" content="reload"> lang-html
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.17.1/themes/prism-okaidia.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.17.1/plugins/line-numbers/prism-line-numbers.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.17.1/components/prism-core.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.17.1/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.17.1/plugins/line-numbers/prism-line-numbers.min.js"></script> lang-html
Greetings. I am currently working on The Odin Project, and I'm doing the final rails project, which is a "facebook clone". It doesn't have to look like facebook, but it needs the functions of pos...
data: { turbo_method: :post } lang-ruby
<div class="github-login" data-turbo="false"> <%= button_to "Sign in with Github", member_github_omniauth_authorize_path, format: :html, method: :post, class: "button is-link" %> </div>lang-ruby
puts member.errors.full_messages lang-ruby
gem 'dotenv-rails' gem 'devise' gem 'omniauth-facebook', '~> 9.0' gem 'omniauth-rails_csrf_protection' gem 'omniauth-github', '~> 2.0', '>= 2.0.1' gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2' lang-ruby
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=Iv1.7fd3298d016109b6 GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=86266384c7634b15746216dc7a765a9c4026025 GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=538637935741-eus398tnf75g4n9vcjb435l621f5pnn8.apps.googleusercontent.com GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=GODSPX-UPz4W3NBj9XTOsLngDc12gYlI0vh lang-ruby
config.omniauth :github, ENV["GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET"], scope: "user" config.omniauth :google_oauth2, ENV["GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET"] lang-ruby
devise_scope :member do get "member", to: "members/sessions#new" end devise_for :members, controllers: { sessions: "members/sessions", registrations: "members/registrations", omniauth_callbacks: "members/omniauth_callbacks" }lang-ruby
class CreateAuthorizations < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0] def change create_table :authorizations do |t| t.integer :member_id t.string :provider t.string :uid t.string :token t.string :secret t.string :username t.timestamps end end end lang-ruby
class Member < ApplicationRecord devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable, :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: %i[facebook github google_oauth2] mount_uploader :profile, ProfileUploader has_many :likes has_many :friends, class_name: "Member" has_many :comments has_and_belongs_to_many :friend_requests has_many :authorizations def self.from_omniauth(auth, current_member) authorization = Authorization.where( provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid.to_s, token: auth.credentials.token, secret: auth.credentials.secret ).first_or_initialize if authorization.member.blank? member = ( if current_member.nil? Member.where("email = ?", auth["info"]["email"]).first else current_member end ) if member.blank? Member.new( email: auth.info.email, password: Devise.friendly_token[0, 10], name: auth.info.name, locations: auth.info.location, profile: auth.info.image ) auth.provider == "twitter" ? user.save!(validate: false) : user.save! end authorization.username = auth.info.nickname authorization.member_id = member.id authorization.save! end authorization.member end end lang-ruby
class Authorization < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :member end lang-ruby
class Members::OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController skip_before_action :authenticate_member! def all member = Member.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"], current_member) if member.persisted? flash[:notice] = "you are successfully logged in!!" sign_in_and_redirect(member) else session["devise.member_attributes"] = member.attributes puts member.errors.full_messages redirect_to new_user_registration_url end end def failure super end alias_method :facebook, :all alias_method :github, :all alias_method :google_oauth2, :all end lang-ruby
I just wanted to share some picture of my dogs, because... Who doesn't love dog pictures, right? This will also let me test out the photo direct upload feature in Action Text to AWS S3 bucket. It...
I wanted to write this blog for the specific purpose of documenting what went into creating this portfolio app. I am doing this partly to refresh myself on earlier parts of the project, but also to...
Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('node_modules') lang-ruby
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