About Me

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I have a diverse work background in customer service, sales, and team leadership. I had a unique upbringing, living in London, and Sydney and Jakarta until moving to Texas to attend University. I plan to use these diverse skills and perspectives to add to my skills as a web developer.

Rep 5 / Associated Development Specialist at Aim Mutual Funds (2.5yrs)
Licensed Mortgage Loan Officer (5yrs)
Team Leader / Environmental Inspector at Compliance Resources Inc (7yrs)
Sales - Uretek ICR - Infrastructure and Foundation Repair (2yrs)
Licensed Mortgage Loan Officer - Reverse Mtg - Longbridge Financial (1yrs)
Owner - Chair Weasel LLC (4yrs)

BS Environmental Science - Stephen F. Austin State University

Minor in Math

CS courses - Fortran, COBOL, Basic, Pascal, C++, Assembly Language, Machine Language, Data Structures

The Odin Project - In progress - See portfolio page for projects

Udemy courses Completed:

  • The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course(2022) - Colt Steele, Stephen Grider
  • 50 Projects in 50 Days - HTML, CSS, JS - Brad Traversy, Florin Pop
  • Learn to Code with Ruby - Boris Paskhaver
  • Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional... - Jordan Hudgens